Sunday 2 July 2017 Bamberg

End of the Main – Danube Canal and entering the Main River. We’re off to the little town of Bamberg. It’s Sunday so most of the shops are closed except the cafe and restaurants.

We leave the busses at the Messerchmitt restaurant and told to be back at 2:45pm at the latest.

Our tour guide is excellent, probably the best we’ve had all trip. Most of us have said we’d sit in a theatre and listen to her all day. She really makes fun of the German language, but her knowledge is great. Spotted a van delivering cakes to a cafe and our guide states “she’s never done drugs but has a wicked sugar habit” and needs to drag herself away from the van.

Great tour and some wonderful sites.

Altes Rathaus
Germany wooden bridge over the Regnitz river
Speisecafé Rosengarten
Kath. Kirche St. Martin

Then we have some free time before we need to be back at the bus to return to the ship. So time for coffee and cake.

Time to return to the bus but I get lost reading the map and end up going the wrong way down the right street. But I made it back at exactly 2:45 to applause from the other tourists.

Tonight’s entertainment is a Medieval Entertainment Duo and were pretty good