Wednesday 7 June 2017 Gondola and last day in Venice
The beds are not so good in this hotel but the room and the service is excellent. So not a very good nights sleep and still feeling a bit grumpy about the bank. I spent the morning getting up to date with this blog. I’ve found a little alcove in the hotel where the internet is good, that is I can upload photos to the site.Had lunch next door and I’m getting used to having red wine with all my meals, I think I’ll have to try with breakfast soon LOL.
Back to the hotel and the concierge lets me know that MasterCard has rung and left a toll free number to ring.
I’m not going into details but there was a loss of temper on my part but eventually I got the guy at the other end to realise I had already done the stuff he was asking me to do and hopefully all is sorted now.
I’m going to try for just good news from now on.
Out for gondola ride with Deanne. I mean you can’t come to Venice and not do a gondola ride.
After the ride went for a final look around the island of San Marco. Came across a lovely church in one of the many squares.
Continued walking around and Dea found another shop she just had to go in. Wait here she says I’ll only be a couple of minutes. While I’m waiting I’m trying to find a store that interest me.
Half hour later Dea appears having bought more clothes. Not sure how all these extra clothes are going to fit in the suitcases. I’ll probably have to jettison some of mine.
Tomorrow a new country, we’re off to Greece.