Saturday 24 June 2017 Prague to Budapest

Up early this morning to make sure the suitcases were outside the room before 6:30. Down for breakfast and then identify our luggage before they go on the buses. Nobody is looking forward to this trip, 8½ hours on the bus with 3 stops.

8 o”clock and we’re on our way. The bus is reasonably comfortable but your not allowed to move around and you must stay belted up. But it’s not full and there’s plenty of spare seats.

First Stop after a couple of hours is Merin, Czech.

This is a petrol station with a Macca’s alongside. There’s a minimart in the petrol station so time to stock up on some chocolates and lollies before the next stop which will be lunch. It’s quite warm and windy out here.

Back on the bus and another 2 hours before our next stop. This time it’s lunch at the Vila Jarmila in Velkè Bilovice, Czech. Lunch was pre-ordered a couple of days ago and picked the pork. Very nice with a good wine from the cellar of this winery. The meal is had in a cellar.

Vila Jarmila in Velkè Bilovice, Czech

After lunch back on the bus and off to the next stop in about an hour and half but we get to pass over two country borders Czech/Slovakia and the Slovakia/Hungary. Just inside the Hungarian border is a truck stop near the town of Rajkai.

Last stop before Budapest, Hungary and our ship. Mainly a toilet break. The bus trip is not doing Dea any favours. Her back is starting to really hurt.

We finally see the outskirts of Budapest and a little bit of excitement is starting to permeate the bus, is it we’re getting closer or that we’re finally getting off the bus.

A few back streets and we’re at the dock and there’s our ship. This is the first view of our home for the next two weeks. We get the intro to the ship, must remember to call it a ship or the captain gets a bit shirty, and finally escorted to our cabins. 204. Our luggage is brought to our cabins and we look at how all our stuff’s going to fit.

Those of us who booked through Phil Hoffman are being escorted by Rosalie. Dea’s back is really causing her problems and we decide that we need to call a doctor to help with the pain, as her other painkillers from Crete have run out. Ask Rosalie to organise this but we won’t get a doctor until after we’ve done the Budapest city lights cruise, around 11 pm.

Tea with Trevor and Moira and then the ship leaves dock for the city lights cruise.

First nights menu
Hungarian Parliment
Budapest University
Budapest Inner City Parish Church
Buda Castle
Hungarian Parliment at night
Dea and the Hungarian Parliment at night

Around 11:30pm the doctor finally turns up and after a lecture on pain management he gives Dea a painkiller injection and a prescription for more tablets. €290 cash later and Dea is able to sleep, but she will need to rest for the next few days.

Tomorrow we start the Magnificent European Luxury Cruise.