Thursday 29 June 2017 Salzburg

The ship arrives in Linz at approximately 7 am but we’re not staying here. Breakfast and then at 9 am we catch the bus to the Linz Railway Station where the Majestic Imperator train is waiting for us. This is a replica of the one used by Emperor Franz Josef over a 100 years ago. Magnificently appointed as one would expect for an Emperor.

Linz Railway Station
Aboard the Majestic Imperator train

A journey will take us from Linz to Salzburg (approx 2 hours), were they made The Sound of Music, and then back to Wels and then to Passau, Germany (approx 3 hours). A bus will pick us up in Passau and take us to Vilshofen where the ship will be waiting for us.

Arrive in Salzburg, which is very close to the Austrian Alp so we get to see some mountains. It’s very different country here.Starting to get a little cooler. The bus picks us up from the station and takes us to the old city. We pass the house that was used for the front of chateau in the Sound of Music where Julie Andrews sings along the tree lined avenue and enters the gates singing ‘I have Confidence”. Apparently the back of the chateau, with the lakes, is some 23 km away. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a photo of this as the bus was moving too fast.

Into the old city and the guide is showing us where Mozart was born and the different churches and Palaces all very interesting.

Salzburg Main Railway Station
Fortress Hohensalzburg
Kapitelplatz, Salzburg Austria
A Sweet Shop
Street Performer

The Gold Ball is the winner of last years Modern Art competition.

The guide then shows us were we will meet at strictly 2:30 pm to get back to the bus and we’re on our own for one and half hours. I decide I’m going to take a ride up to the castle on the hill for the view after I’ve had lunch.

Fortress Hohensalzburg

But as I look round for somewhere to sit and eat I find everything is taken. Well maybe there will be something at the castle. I take the FestungsBahn Funicular an almost vertical railway.

FestungsBahn Funicular
Austrian Alps
View down the valley

I find a restaurant/cafe up here and decide to have lunch. I’ve got 45 min for lunch before I MUST be back at the meeting point. Plenty of time. But I don’t get my meal until 2:15 pm, so i’ve got 15 mins to eat a schnitzel, pay get down from the castle and return to the meeting point. I was only 5 minutes late.

We get to look at some of the gardens on our way to the bus.
And the steps where Julie Andrews and the the von Trappe children sing Do-Rai-Me.
There's a bridge with lovers locks
THere's Sound of Music tours in Salzburg

Back to the bus and then back on the train heading for Passau via Mels. The Danube river at the point is a little low and the captain has to navigate slowly and will possibly not be in Vilshofen when we get there.

Some entertainment is provided on the train to keep us occupied but most of the guests are falling asleep, it’s been a long rushed day.

Off the train and on the bus in Passau to take us to our ship in Vishofen. Just as we cross the bridge we see the AmaReina docking at the wharf.

Dinner and bed. You need more than half a day to really appreciate a place like Salzburg.