Monday 5 to Thursday 8 June 2017 Venice and the Bank

Picked up from the hotel in Rome by the Mercedes at 9:15 am to catch the train at 10:25am.

Arrive at the Roma Termini and try to figure out which platform to go to. Ask at one counter and the very unpleasant girl say “Not my company go to other end”.
Wander down to the ItaliaRail Lounge and they were very helpful. We are at the wrong station!!!!!!! We were supposed to be dropped of at the Tiburtina station. 9:50. Wait in line for a taxi and when our turn comes, how long is it going to take? 20 min. We are going to be cutting it close. The driver must have realised our concern because it only took 10mins. Check the board and off to platform 11. We got there with 5 minutes to spare. But the platform indicator does not show where the trains going. All the others do. A quick run down the ramp and find a departure schedule to confirm we are okay. Train arrives and there not enough room for both suitcases in the storage area so one of them has to go in the overhead ledge. I can’t lift it up there but a porter comes passed just then and easily places it for me. We’re on our way.

A little more than 3 hours with a few stops and the announcement comes over next stop Venetia. Get all our stuff ready to go and fortunately we were too slow getting out the door as it closed and I thought we had missed our stop. The Italian lady behind is speaking loudly, “This is not your stop, You want to go to Venice.” Yes but the sign says Venetia. “This is the first Venetia stop you get off next one over the water” How am I supposed to know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get off at the right stop and our guide is waiting for us and takes us to the water taxi.

Arrive at our hotel. the taxi pulls up right in front.

Our hotel for the next couple of days

Check in with no problems except when they take us to our room there are significant stairs to climb. Dea’s not doing that. They found another room for us.

The hotel is right next to the Rialto Bridge.

The Rialto Bridge outside our hotel

Off to the ATM to get some cash. Deannes CBA Money Travel Card does not work. With mine lost in Pisa we don’t have access to the Euros we’d purchased several moths ago. Fortunately the Credit Union SA card still works. Hate to think what the exchange rate is now.

Had lunch and then I’ll ring the bank.

The Bank

Ring the CBA in Australia on my mobile. On hold for 10 mins and then trying to explain my situation when the call cuts out. Great. Try again. 10 mins on hold again and of course you get someone else and you have to explain it all again. The girl at he other end starts telling me that have no indication as to why the card has failed no request has come through for a withdrawal since yesterday. Maybe try another ATM. Okay now what about my MasterCard AND the call disconnects. I’ve got 2 messages from Covermore Global Simm each one says the last two calls cost $5.60. There must be a setting in the simm to limit call length, who knew. I go for a walk around Venice (San Marco) and try half a dozen ATM and the card fails in all of them. When I get back to the hotel We decide to have an early night.

Next morning after breakfast go for bit of a walk around and have coffee and cake. Go to pay with Dea’s Travel Money Card and a chip error occurs.

This time back to the hotel and ring the bank on the landline. Another 10min wait on hold. After explaining everything again the man says they will replace the Money Card but it will take up to 10 days to receive it!!!!!! WHAT. I lost the plot for a few minutes. His solution transfer all that cheap currency to another account at the current exchange rate and loose lots of money as well as spend at the current exchange rate. This guy’s brilliant FOR THE BANK. He wants to know where to send the replacement card. Well I’ll be in Athens in 2 days for a day and then for each day after that I’ll be on a different Greek Island for a week then back to Athens. He going to send to Athens hotel where we will pick it up at the end of the Greek Island cruise. What about my MasterCard? WE have no record of you requesting a replacement MasterCard. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m getting very angry. And he hasn’t even suggested he ring me back to save me money.  “I will have to put you through to MasterCard International and you will have to request a new card.” This is becoming unbelievable. After me loosing my temper at this guy he puts me through to MasterCard International. I can get a new card from them in 3 days. It’s coming from the US.

Recommendation: If your travelling overseas and you wish to take a Travel Money Card don’t use your bank use something like Travelex as they have outlets everywhere and a replacement card should be a lot easier to achieve.

Hopefully that all the problems over with.

Back to Venice

After dealing with the bank we decided to take the public ferry to San Marco Square.

A truly beautiful place. Had lunch and watched the tourist go by.

Dea in San Marco Square
The Marciana Library or Library of Saint Mark
Clock Tower
San Marco Square
Procuratie Vecchie
Basilica di San Marco
San Marco Square
Nice watches
Dea waiting for a cappucino
Cafe in San Marco Square
One of the many walkways from San Marco Square
San Marco Square
San Marco Square
Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs in San Marco Square
San Marco Square

Back to the Hotel

Tomorrow a Gondola ride